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Pittsburgh, a once great city ranked in the top 10 of major cities population in the United States, just
dropped out of the top 20!

Have you ever wondered why? Why are our cherished citizens fleeing our city for greener pastures?

Josh Wander, a newcomer on the political scene, was drawn to run for the Mayor of the City of
Pittsburgh because, rather than watch his beloved city continue in decline, he has decided to be part of
the solution. You won't see Josh running off to a resort while our streets are covered with snow and the
city is in lock down. You WILL see him lead and take proactive action to fill those potholes that continue
to appear and remain on city streets. You WILL see him plan ahead to insure that our "city-zens" have
safe access to our roads and that our city money is being spend with YOU in mind.

90 years of one party rule, cronyism, patronages and just plan corruption has crippled our once shining

beacon of bustling business activity, has seen young growing families – the city’s future – diminishing.
Our schools are closing. And frankly, the city is so broke that the State of PA had to supervise its financial
activities and put the city in receivership under the “Financial Distressed Municipalities Act.”

Do you really want to vote to continue business as usual? Isn't it time for you, the voter, to just say no
and consider that maybe, just maybe, the time has come for a new vibrant approach with truly new

Josh Wander grew up in Pittsburgh. His family was a major force for growth through Wander Sales,
the family business. He has decided to take a bold step to say residents of the city that he is ready to
implement his plan of renewal and rediscovery of the greatness of Pittsburgh.

Unlike his opponents, he is not beholden to the prevailing political wrecking ball that collapsed a once

proud city. Wander is committed to a strong, clear approach based on values, security, and growth.

Values: Josh holds a degree in Religious Law and his integrity is beyond reproach. He has been tested in
battle and is a veteran military man. You can absolutely count on Josh to do the right thing, without the
wink and backroom nods so common that benefit the politicians at the expense of their constituents.

Security: To attract and grow population, citizens need to know they are safe and secure. Josh, a former
elected Constable, is committed to build a secure environment for our children. There is no other
candidate that has his security training and background.

Josh is also committed to real fiscal security through responsible management of city resources. It’s
way past time to stop the out-of-control spending that put Pittsburgh in receivership while forcing
confiscatory taxes on it’s residents. His degree in Public Administration has trained him to work
effectively to rein in pensions and other financial issues bankrupting the city.

Growth: Josh is a coalition builder. He will work with Visit Pittsburgh, Allegheny Conference, the Cultural
District as well as the numerous other community assets to set specific community goals for growth.

From day one, he will identify those community assets and along with his colleagues, develop a plan to
promote these assets efficiently and successfully.

So get to know Josh…call him at 412-213-VOTE. Be ready to be motivated to be Pittsburgh Proud again…just like it used to be!

© Copyright 2013  All rights reserved to Josh Wander. Paid by Josh Wander friends                                                                                                          Built by: Eichhorn Web Solutions

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