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Who is Josh Wander?​


Josh is a people person who you always see on the streets of Pittsburgh, speaking with citizens,discovering challenges and developing ways to help the community to overcome them.


Josh has a long history of community involvement. As a constable, Josh worked to keep hisneighborhood safe and has completed intensive training in such ares as emergency management andthreat assessment for his community from both within and without.​


His academic background focused on security and protection. He holds a master’s in public and international affairs from the University of Pittsburgh with a major in security and intelligence studiesand has a focus in conflict resolution, sorely needed the City of Pittsburgh. He is an honors graduate of Rabbinical College in Talmudic Law which armed him with the ability to carefully dissect the essence of aproblem and quickly develop realistic solutions that will benefit our city.


His political skills have been honed during his tenure as a political advisor to Knesset legislative
members, giving him the ability to be an effective force for his constituents from day one.

He is a seasoned military veteran who has seen combat and is not afraid to take on difficult tasks and



Josh is a family man who is raising six wonderful children right here in the fifth Pittsburgh council district. He is motivated to seek the position of city mayor to help make our city a safer, cleaner and more vibrant community for his own family as well as yours.


Josh has developed the experience, tenacity, resilience and fortitude necessary to be an effective leader for Pittsburgh. . You have the opportunity to choose experience and dedication that will make our
district and city shine again!

About Josh Wander

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